A repository serving as a directory for repositories in the geoconnex.us project. See project board to track issues across all of them
There are many repositories other than this one in this project:
geoconnex.us software, infrastrucure, and documentation
internetofwater/geoconnex.us is the persistent identifier registry (PID) for reference (community) and organizational hydrologic, environmental, and administrative features
internetofwater/pids.geoconnex.us is the repository for the development and deployment of the PID server, database, and resulting sitemap.xml assets
internetofwater/harvest.geoconnex.us is a repository for the customization and deployment of gleaner, the system harvesting linked data from the sitemaps made possible by the PID registry. It also hosts releases of the resulting knowledge graph.
internetofwater/docs.geoconnex.us is the repo for developing best practices and other guidance for data publishers, and for publishing this guidance as a website.
internetofwater/reference.geoconnex.us is the repo for community reference features using OGC API Features to serve features as HTML pages
internetofwater/register.geoconnex.us is the repo for easy PID registration
geoconnex.us reference feature development (i.e. data curation)
internetofwater/ref_gages is the repo for developing the reference gages dataset available at https://reference.geoconnex.us/collections/gages
internetofwater/ref_dams is the repo for developing the reference gages dataset available at https://reference.geoconnex.us/collections/dams